By Lilla Bölecz and Balázs Tátrai.
The Book of Forgotten Witches is a meticulously crafted hardcover collection that delves into the rich folklore and captivating stories of legendary and historical witches from around the globe.
This edition features over 80 stunning, evocative illustrations, making it the perfect gift for those who cherish the mystical and magical in their lives. Ever since my Twilight/Vampire Diaries Era, I've loved all elements of the genre.
For centuries, the figure of the witch has both fascinated and terrified people, lingering in imaginations and nightmares.
Within the pages of this beautifully illustrated volume, you will uncover the stories of both real and legendary witches. These figures, who once inspired fear, respect, or empowerment in their communities, are now largely forgotten, yet their legacies continue to resonate.
The book is divided into ten chapters, each focusing on a different category of witches, ranging from curse-bringers and shape-shifters to survivors, revenants, nature witches, and fate-turners. While most of these witches are women, their stories transcend gender and span cultures from all over the world.
The Book of Forgotten Witches is more than a mere collection of stories; it is an invitation to delve into a world where magic is real. Even if you are not a fan of the genre, the illustrations alone are beautiful and deserve as much credit as possible.
Thank you so much to the authors - Lilla Bölecz and Balázs Tátrai as well as Hayley and the whole team at Watkins Publishing for sending me this book to be reviewed.
